How do I contact the crew of AMARSE?

We would love to hear from you.  You may click on the Contact Button located in the left column.  This will prepare a email format for you to use.

How can I get on the email UPDATE list?

Simply send us an email with your request to be added to the UPDATE list.  We will add you to the periodic emailing of our adventures as we progress.

How often is this site updated?

We will update the information as changes occur.  The Trip Logs section will receive the most updates.  These will be updated as soon as we can.  We are often delayed because of poor internet connections while we are in remote areas.  Finding a connection when we are in other countries is very sporadic.

What is the nature of the content found in this website?

Any comments or references made in this website are merely personal opinions and personal observations about our personal experiences.

What should I do if I find that I do not wish to have my personal name or photograph shown on this website?

We will be more than happy to remove any personal names  or personal photographs that you find objectionable.  Please contact us from the link provided and we will make the revision as soon as practicable. Thanks.